Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Does aspirin kill dogs?

On One Hand: Aspirin is Okay in Small Quantities

When a dog is given small doses of aspirin to treat pain ailments such as arthritis, he will not be harmed. Canines can handle 5 to 15 mg of aspirin per pound of their weight. There are brands of aspirin specifically designed for usage in canines as well.

On the Other: Aspirin is Fatal in Large Doses

When administering aspirin to a dog without consulting with his veterinarian on how much aspirin should be given, the dog can be harmed. Doses of more than 30 mg per pound in one day can be fatal, especially in smaller breeds and younger dogs. Aspirin can also cause gastrointestinal issues and ulcers.

Bottom Line

Consult with a veterinarian on how much aspirin can be administered without harming a pet. Keep in mind that aspirin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and will cause stomach upset. Caution is important when dosing out aspirin. Even when choosing to give a dog aspirin, monitoring for any signs of gastrointestinal distress will still be necessary. If a dog begins to spit up frothy, blood-tinged vomit, the owner should discontinue using aspirin for the dog.


Vet Info: Dogs and Aspirin

More Information:

School for Champions: Giving Your Dog Aspirin

Drugs: Hartz Aspirin for Dogs

Dog Health: Aspirin for Dog

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