Just to name a few, there’s information for dog medicine Nsaids (like tylenol and ibuprophen) side effects, Predisone for dogs side effects, Dexamethasone for dogs side effects, dog medicine Buspar side effects, Aspirin side effects, side effects of Advil, the anti dog inflammatory medicine Rimadyl side effects, Torbutrol side effects, and basically the most prescribed dog pain medicines, and their side effects. Your dog depends on you, protect him by educating yourself about these drugs. Prolong your dog’s life span and general well-being with herbal pet medicines instead of synthetic drugs. Never give your dog the medicines listed below without expert, hands-on advice from your local veterinarian. This article is only for your general knowledge. Xylazine Rompun, Gemini, AnaSed, Sedazine: Xylazine is commonly used as an anesthetic to produce sedation. When given by intramuscular injection at less than anesthetic doses, Xylazine is a sedative that provides pain relief as well as muscle relaxation. The pain relief associated with Xylazine only lasts 15 to 30 minutes, but sedation can last 1 to 2 hours. Complete recovery from an injection of Xylazine can take 2 to 4 hours. The common side effect of Xylazine is vomiting. Despite appearing completely sedated with Xylazine, dogs can still move, kick, and bite in response to sharp auditory stimulation. Dextromethorphan (Robitussin, Dexalone, Vicks Formula 44, etc): This is a common cough suppressant used in humans and dogs. It may have some potential in allieving pain in dogs. Dog Medicine Prednisone, Prednisolone, Dexamethazone: Are steroid hormones that mimic the effects of natural cortisol, which is produced by the adrenal gland. They break down stored resources (fats, sugars and proteins) so that they may be used as fuels in times of stress. Prednisone and Dexamethazone are used on dogs to treat autoimmune diseases. The uses that Prednisone and Dexamethazone has been prescribed for are diverse: Prednisone, Prednisolone, and Dexamethazone suppress the immune system and therefore have been used to treat auto-immune diseases, inflammatory diseases, and kidney diseases. Prednisolone side effects in dogs and Dexamethazone side effects are very serious and harmful. Even if these dog medicines are used for a short period of time, their side effects are: Dexamethazone and Prednisolone side effects in dogs that occur after a considerable period of usage are: If Prednisone or Dexamethazone is continued for more than a week it can affect the normal functioning of the adrenal glands permanently. This results in a dependency on the drug, since the dog’s body is unable to create its own natural corticosteroids. The most dangerous Dexamethazone and Prednisolone side effect is hyperadrenocorticism in dogs. Also known as Cushing’s disease, this condition is caused by an overdose of these drugs. Predisone and Dexamethazone can lead to conditions like Cushing’s disease in dogs and Addison’s disease, both of which can prove to be fatal. All natural medicine alternative ingredients don’t have the harmful or fatal side effects that Prednisone, Prednisolone, and Dexamethazone have. Since Predisone and Dexamethazone is used on dogs for Dog Asthma and other Dog Allergies, I’d like to suggest trying AmazaPet. AmazaPet will improve respiratory functioning, reduce allergic reactions in dogs, and also reduce the frequency and severity of dog asthma attacks. It’s also proven that Prednisolone,Prednisone, and Dexamethazone causes an increase of your dog’s blood sugar, and possible Diabetes. This GlucoBalance product will control and balance blood sugar levels and improve insulin production, reduce high cholesterol, plus boost immune functions and protect against diseases. GlucoBalance is also used for dogs that already have Type 1 or 2 diabetes. Cushex Drops will help reduce circulating levels of corticosteroids, support the health of your dog’s adrenal glands and encourage normal functioning; plus balance blood pressure and blood sugar levels, reduce excessive thirst and urination, promote optimal strength and health of the skin, encourage health of their coat and prevent hair loss, and improve digestive functioning!      Fentanyl, Duragesic, Sublimaze: Veterinarians most often use Fentanyl short-term, after surgery, in advanced cancer, pain of arthritis, or subsequent to body injury, dogs in a terminal condition, and when all other medicines fail. Fentanyl side effects are excitement or lethargy, poor appetite, low body temperature, vomiting, highly addictive, and doses have to be increased to obtain comparable pain relief. Fentanyl can be fatal if swallowed. Another Fentanyl side effect is hypoventilation, which is the slowing or stopping of breathing. Fentanyl should not be exposed to excessive heat, such as a heating pad, electric blanket, or a home heater vent. Should this occur, Naloxone or Buprenorphine need to be given immediately and repeated until breathing returns to normal. Fentanyl should not be used for dogs that are taking the medication Anipryl (selegiline hydrochloride) for Cushing’s Disease or for Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (dog’s alzheimer). Morphine: Is rarely used in animals in the United States. Morphine went into disfavor since the dog dose is so much higher than the human dose, owner fatalities occurred when Morphine was dispensed for dogs but taken by the dog owner. Buprenorphine (Temgesic, Vetergesic, Buprenex): Buprenorphine is not considered to be useful in the management of chronic pain for dogs. Buprenorphine side effects are a slow heart rate, vomiting, defecation, anxiety, widening of the dog’s blood vessels, low blood pressure, and the most important Buprenorphine side effect is hypoventilation, which is the slowing or stopping of breathing. Oxymorphone (Numorphan): As a dog medicine, Oxymorphone has been used for post-operative pain. Oxymorphone side effects include a slow heart rate, vomiting, defecation, anxiety, widening of the dog’s blood vessels, low blood pressure, and hypoventilation (the slowing or stopping of breathing.) BuSpar, Buspirone: BuSpar is not approved by the FDA for animals. Vets can still prescribe BuSpar though a ‘extra-label’ drug tactic. BuSpar has been prescribed as a dog medicine to decrease phobias, behavior problems and disorders, and for dog anxiety. BuSpar is a sedative and form of tranquilizer. BuSpar should not be used in dogs with known hypersensitivity. BuSpar should not be used in dogs that have been diagnosed with liver or kidney disease. BuSpar may interact with other dog medicines. BuSpar side effects include increased friendliness and increased playfulness, but on the other end, BuSpar side effects are also increased agitation, and increased assertiveness and aggression, vomiting, drowsiness, dizziness, and disorientation. If you own a dog that has anxiety, (another disorder BuSpar is used for,) try this VERY popular and effective product called Pet Calm. PetCalm has no harmful side effects. Actually, I really should make a page just to let you all know everything about PetCalm! It can be used for cats too, and is very effective for hyperactive, nervous, or those that suffer from separation anxiety. NSAIDs are commonly used for dog arthritis. If your dog suffers from arthritis, please visit my Dog Arthritis page for more information about arthritis in dogs, and 2 products you can use that would be better for your dog with no side effects than the below listed dog medicines. NAPROXEN, Naprosyn, Aleve: This NSAID is not approved for use in pets. Dogs are extremely sensitive to its toxic effects. IBUPROFEN, Advil, Motrin, Nuprin, Medipren: are NSAIDs not approved for use in dogs or cats. Dogs are much more likely to develop the ibuprofen side effects of gastro-intestinal problems than are humans. At therapeutic doses, Ibuprofen side effects include vomiting, diarrhea, gastro-intestinal bleeding, and kidney infection. Ibuprofen consistently causes ulcers in dogs after 2-6 weeks of use. Ibuprofen side effects will eventually cause ulcers of the stomach as well as vomiting. At a dose low enough to not have these side effects, Ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin, Nuprin, and Medipren probably does not relieve dog pain or dog arthritis. ASPIRIN: Before the newer NSAID dog medicines were available, Aspirin was commonly used. Aspirin should never be used as a dog medicine for dogs suffering from kidney disease or high blood pressure. Do not use Aspirin when your dog has a liver disease. Aspirin side effects may cause sudden liver failure in dogs that don’t have a liver disease. Do not use Aspirin for dogs with kidney blood flow damage. Aspirin side effects will cause increased kidney damage. Aspirin side effects can cause kidney damage in dogs that don’t have a kidney disease. Aspirin should also not be given as a dog medicine in combination with Prednisolone, Prednisone, or Dexamethasone. As with all NSAIDs, Aspirin side effects can cause life-threatening stomach punctures, so dogs on this medication need to be monitored closely. Do not give Aspirin to dogs after major surgery because an Aspirin side effect is that it can lengthen the time that wounds bleed. Bleeding is the most common Asprin side effect. Dogs receiving diuretics such as Lasix furosemide are more susceptible to Aspirin side effects. Most dogs given Asprin eventually develop gastro-intestinal problems and must stop taking Asprin. No human pill-form of aspirin should be given whole, to small pets. In dogs aspirin is eliminated within 7.5 hrs. Aspirin overdose in dogs will result in salicylate poisoning. Salicylate poisoning is characterized by hemorrhage, severe blood acid-base abnormalities, coma, seizures, and death. MELOXICAM: is used for the treatment of the acute and chronic pain associated with dog muscle disease and dog arthritis. Do not use Meloxicam if your dog already has a liver disease, as Meloxicam side effects may cause sudden liver failure in dogs that don’t even have a liver disease. Meloxicam side effects can cause kidney damage in dogs without a prior kidney disease. This is because Meloxicam limits blood flow to the kidneys. If your dog already has some kidney blood flow damage, more might result. As with all NSAIDs,Meloxicam side effects can cause life-threatening stomach punctures so dogs on this medication need to be monitored closely. Dogs receiving diuretics (such as Lasix furosemide) are more susceptible to Meloxicam side effects. Meloxicam should also not be given as a dog medicine in combination with the corticosteroids prednisolone, prednisone, and dexamethasone. PHENYLBUTAZONE, Butazolodine, or “bute”: is a dog medicine approved by the FDA, but Phenylbutazone is not approved for cats. Phenylbutazone side effects are ulceration and bleeding of the stomach, liver damage, Phenylbutazone side effects may cause sudden liver failure, even in dogs that don’t have a liver disease. More side effects of ‘bute’ are ulceration and bleeding of the intestines, As with all NSAIDs, Phenylbutazone side effects can cause life-threatening stomach punctures so dogs on this medication need to be monitored closely. Another side effect is kidney damage – if your dog already has some kidney blood flow damage, more might result. Phenylbutazone can cause kidney damage in dogs that don’t have a kidney disease. Another serious side effect of ‘bute’ is the possibility of irreversible bone marrow suppression, leading to death. One more important and harmful side effect of Phenylbutazone is anemia. Anemia can only be reversed through a blood transfusion or the drug Oxyglobin. Oxyglobin is administered intravenously. Oxyglobin side effects are coughing, difficulty breathing, fluid retention in the lungs, fluid in the chest cavity, vomiting, and dark colored feces. Signs of anemia in dogs are: pale gums and skin, exaustion, panting, general discomfort, lack of appetite, and mental dullness. Phenylbutazone should not be used as a dog medicine after major surgery, because it can lengthen the time that wounds bleed. Phenylbutazone should also not be given as a dog medicine in combination with Prednisolone, Prednisone, and Dexamethasone. VEDAPROFEN, Quadrisol: Is marketed as a dog medicine for the relief of pain and inflammation associated with long-term dog arthritis. In studies in the Netherlands it was found to be a bit more effective than Meloxicam. Because all NSAIDs have similar effects, do not expect Vedaprofen to be free of the side effects present with all NSAIDs. Dog medicine RIMADYL, Carprofen: Rimadyl side effects cause liver damage in dogs, particularly Labrador Retrievers. Rimadyl side effects may cause sudden liver failure in a dog that has no prior liver disease, so do not let your dog have Rimadyl if it already HAS a liver disease. According to the FDA, Rimadyl had the most side effects of the NSAIDs. This tally may be because Rimadyl is the most widely prescribed dog medicine. Rimadyl is very similar to Meloxicam. Rimadyl side effects can cause kidney damage in dogs with no prior kidney problems or diseases, and even more kidney damage to dogs that have a kidney disease.Those using dog medicine diuretics such as Lasix furosemide are more susceptible to Rimadyl side effects. Rimadyl should not be given as a dog medicine in combination with the corticosteroids prednisolone, prednisone, and dexamethasone. As with all NSAIDs,Rimadyl side effects can cause life-threatening stomach punctures so dogs on this medication need to be monitored closely. ZUBRIN, Tepoxalin: This dog medicine has properties similar to Rimadyl. Zubrin side effects are the same as Rimadyl. DERACOXIB: Deracoxib was first approved for controlling post-operative pain in people. In 2003, it won approval as a dog medicine for chronic dog arthritis pain. Deracoxib is related to a class of antibiotic drugs called “sulfonamides” which means they contain sulfur in their structure. However Deracoxib is not an antibiotic. Deracoxib should not be used in dogs that have a history of problems taking sulfas. Deracoxib should not be given after long periods of anesthesia. Do not use Deracoxib for dogs that weigh less than 4 lbs. Do not use Deracoxib for pregnant dogs, nursing mothers or puppies under age 4 months of age. Deracoxib should never be given with Prednisone, Prednisolone, or Dexamethasone. Do not use Deracoxib as a dog medicine for dogs that are dehydrated, or taking diuretics, or dogs that have preexisting kidney, liver, heart or circulatory problems. Deracoxib side effects may include diarrhea, vomiting, and bloody stools. As with the other NSAIDs, Deracoxib side effects can cause life-threatening stomach punctures so dogs on this medication need to be monitored closely. Like all of the NSAIDs, Deracoxib side effects may cause sudden liver failure. Deracoxib side effects may cause sudden liver failure in dogs that don’t even have a liver disease. Deracoxib side effects can cause kidney damage in dogs without a prior kidney disease. If your dog already has some kidney blood flow damage, more might result. Dogs receiving diuretics (such as Lasix furosemide) are more susceptible to Deracoxib side effects. FIROCOXIB, Prevacox: Firocoxib is similar to Dericoxib. Firocoxib has been prescribed as a dog medicine for the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis in dogs. Firocoxib side effects are the same side effects listed above for Dericoxib. MECLOFENAMINC ACID, Arquel: Arquel side effects include vomiting, diarrhea, lack of appetite, bloody stool, black tarry stool, or ulcers in the stomach or small intestines. Other Arquel side effects are depression, fever, behavior changes, fast breathing, edema, inability to control urine, or irreversible anemia. You may want to read the side effects of Phenylbutazone, as I have described what procedures are taken for dog anemia that is not irreversible. Signs of anemia in dogs are: pale gums and skin, exaustion, panting, general discomfort, lack of appetite, and mental dullness. Arquel is a dog medicine for the treatment of pain and inflammation – especially that associated with dog arthritis. It may take three or four days for pain relief to be seen in your dog. Do not give Arquel for a week prior to surgery or the week after surgery. Do not give Arquel to dehydrated dogs or those taking diuretics for heart or lung problems. Do not use Arquel for dogs with clotting deficiencies such as Von Willebrand’s disease. Do not give Arquel to pregnant or nursing mothers. Do not give Arquel to puppies under eight months of age. Do not use Arquel with other NSAIDs, or Sulfa antibiotics, Glipizide, or Valproic acid, or oral Anticoagulants. Do not use Arquel for dogs that have a heart disease. In epileptic dogs, Arquel side effects may increase blood concentrations of phenytoin. Do not use Arquel at full dosage for more than 5-6 days. Arquel has a therapeutic index that is lower than that of other NSAIDs, possibly due to the way it circulates in the liver. This means that the necessary dose of Arquel for pain relief is quite close to the dose that can cause side effects. As with the other NSAIDs, Arquel side effects can cause life-threatening stomach punctures so dogs on this medication need to be monitored closely. Like all of the NSAIDs, Arquel side effects may cause sudden liver failure. Arquel side effects may cause sudden liver failure in dogs that don’t even have a liver disease. Arquel side effects can cause kidney damage in dogs without a prior kidney disease. If your dog already has some kidney blood flow damage, more might result. Dogs receiving diuretics (such as Lasix furosemide) are more susceptible to Arquel side effects. ROBAXIN, Methocarbamol: As a dog medicine, Robaxin does not directly lessen pain. Robaxin may relieve muscle tension associated with dog arthritis. Robaxin side effects inclued mopyness and inactivity; the appearance of being sedated, and a darker urine color. OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS: Some sources claim that omega-3 fatty acids, obtained from fish, are helpful in controlling chronic pain. Many veterinarians dispense it because, as far as we know, it is completely safe when given in moderate amounts. All pain-relieving dog medicines are called analgesics. Pain perception depends partially on species, breed, age, gender, time of day, and your dog’s individual temperament. Young dogs tend to have a lower threshold to pain. Older and debilitated dogs with health problems may not show as much response to pain – but they feel it just the same. Hunting and working breeds of dogs are more resistant to expressing their pain than toy or miniature breeds. When you take your dog in to an animal hospital, your dog is usually worrying about the visit and strange environment, and will often ignore the pain that you noticed at home. Pain may lead to over-grooming the area that is painful. This can lead to hair loss and self-mutilation of the area. Some dogs tremble and move with their stomachs tensed up. Others tremble all over. Some will show lameness of an affected leg, while other dogs become aggressive, pant or grimace. Any sudden behavior change in your dog can be a symptom of pain. Excessive salivation, licking of the lips, dilation of the eyes, rapid breathing and increased heart rate may all be attributable to pain. Some dogs in pain also eat less. Some become restless and do not sleep well. Some dogs stop grooming and appear dejected and depressed. Pain can cause an increase in body temperature, respiration, heart rate, and blood pressure. Pain alone can actually change the results of blood chemistry analysis. Dogs in pain may have elevated blood sugar. Their blood cortisol and white cell levels often increase. Pain can also interfere with the immune system, increasing the risk of infections, and slowing the healing of wounds and surgical incisions. Try using this medicine alternative that has no side effects for your beloved dog instead of the synthetic drugs listed above in detail: PetHeal is taken internally to relieve pain and reduce inflammation from accidental injuries or surgeries without the harmful side effects of conventional dog medicines for pain. PetHeal contains the following 100% natural ingredients: Astragalus: Recent research confirms the positive effect of Astragalus on immune functioning and its ability to help the body fight against illness and disease. It is an excellent anti-inflammatory herb and very effective at promoting the healing of wounds and injuries as well as chronic skin conditions, sores and abscesses. Echinacea: increases the activity of the immune system cells, stimulates new tissue growth for wound healing, reduces inflammation and inhibits growth of bacteria, viruses and fungi. Arnica: with powerful anti-inflammatory and tissue healing properties, it is used extensively to treat shock, injury and bruising and post-operative care. Arnica also helps to control bleeding. Calendula: acts systemically to heal wounds and prevent or treat infections. This ingredient is highly effective in aiding post-operative recovery, reducing scarring and treating pain. Customer TestimonialDog Medicines and Their Side Effects
There Are 5 Major Classes Of Dog Medicines
1. Treatment of excessive itching.
2. Alleviation of asthma and other allergies.
3. Managing emergencies like injuries to the spinal chord.
4. Controlling rejections during organ transplants.
5. Treating kidney disorders.
1. Renal (Kidney) disorders.
2. Abnormal thirst and urination levels.
3. Excessive hunger, fluid and weight gain.
4. Insatiable diet.
5. Increased blood sugar.
6. Decreased resistance of infectious diseases (decreased immune system).
1. Ulcers in the digestive tract.
2. Pain and inflammation in pancreas.
3. Diabetes.
4. Degeneration of muscles
5. Unpredictable change in behaviors and mood swings.
6. Thinning of the skin.
7. Liver changes
If your dog has been prescribed Prednisone, Prednisolone, Dexamethazone, Asium, or Vorem, and has also been diagnosed with Cushing’s Disease, please read more information about a natural product that may be of some help; Cushex Drops.
More Dog medicines and their side effects.
#4 – Government Regulated OpiateÂ
Demerol, Meperidine: As a dog medicine, Demerol is used for pain relief for short periods of time. Demerol is not suitable for long term use. Dogs prescribed Demerol become resistant to it’s action when used for long periods of time.
If you have a dog with behavior problems like aggression, I would like to suggest trying an all natural formula that has no side effects, called Aggression Formula. You can read more about dog aggression on my page aggressive dogs. The page also offers a no medicine solution for aggressive dogs and problem dogs!#5 – Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Agents (NSAIDs) Used As Dog Medicines
More NSAIDs Used For Dogs
ETODOLAC, Etogesic: Etodolac is prescribed and used once a day to manage dog arthritis. Etodolac side effects are diarrhea, vomiting, or mopyness and inactivity. When given at the recommended dose, side effects are rare. But if the dose is trebled, Etodolac side effects are vomiting, intestinal bleeding, and weight loss. Like all of the NSAIDs, Etodolac side effects may cause sudden liver failure. Do not Etodolac if your dog already has a liver disease, as Etodolac side effects may cause sudden liver failure in dogs that don’t even have a liver disease. Etodolac side effects can cause kidney damage in dogs without a prior kidney disease. This is because Etodolac limits blood flow to the kidneys. If your dog already has some kidney blood flow damage, more might result. Dogs receiving diuretics (such as Lasix furosemide) are more susceptible to Etodolac side effects. Etodolac should also not be given as a dog medicine in combination with the corticosteroids prednisolone, prednisone, and dexamethasone. As with all NSAIDs,Etodolac side effects can cause life-threatening stomach punctures so dogs on this medication need to be monitored closely.
Other Dog Medicines And Their Side Effects
ACETAMINOPHEN, Tylenol: Tylenol for dogs has not been found to be effective to reduce pain in dogs. Tylenol side effects are depression, vomiting, and the destruction of your dog’s blood hemoglobin. What’s that mean? Dog Anemia. Tylenol side effects resulting in anemia shows up in dogs as pale gums and skin, exaustion, panting, general discomfort, lack of appetite, and mental dullness. Anemia can only be reversed through a blood transfusion or the drug Oxyglobin. Oxyglobin is administered intravenously. Oxyglobin side effects are coughing, difficulty breathing, fluid retention in the lungs, fluid in the chest cavity, vomiting, and dark colored feces.
How Your Dog Reacts To Pain
An Alternative Pet Medicine Suggestion For Pain
Note: this is not the same product I suggest you try for Dog Arthritis.
“My plucky little daschund was quite badly hurt after getting into a fight with a bigger and more street-wise dog than himself. He had broken ribs, a couple of teeth knocked out and plenty of cuts and scratches. It’s not the first time something like this has happened to him so I kind of knew what to expect: a couple of weeks of nursing and pampering the little rotter until he felt he had recovered enough to go and pick another fight! I decided to try your PetHeal remedy and was amazed at how quickly he was up and about again- the remedy really made a big difference to his recovery. Within 10 days he was almost completely himself again and we had finished putting up a fence to keep him inside the yard. Thanks for a great product Cindy LDog Vitamins And Minerals and Organic Tablet Companies May be found in the ads displayed on the right of the pages.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Dog Nutrition And Harmful Medicines.
Prepare to be shocked! The dog medicine prescribed for your best friend holds many ‘shushed-up’ side effects. Find the most prescribed dog medicine side effects – which are often harmful and fatal – on the detailed listing below.
There are five major classes of medicine that can be used for dogs in pain. The NSAIDs list here will be duplicated on my Dog Arthritis page, because they are commonly used for dog arthritis.
#1 – Alpha-2 Blockers:
Novartis, Domitor (Medetomidine hydrochloride): An anesthetic and pain reliever dog medicine for recovering from surgery. At anesthetic doses, Novartis side effects are a slow heart rate. It is metabolized through the liver and excreted through the kidneys so it should not be given to dogs that have liver or kidney disease. It should not be given as a dog medicine at times that they are agitated and fearful at the animal hospital, or given to dogs that might go into shock due to coexisting diseases.
#2 – NMDA Receptor Blockers:
Amantadine (Symmetrel): Amantadine appears to effectively block pain in dogs. The dose of amantadine must be reduced in dogs with poorly functioning kidneys. It has been given on a daily basis, but in most cases, it is given for one to two weeks and then discontinued until pain worsens. Amantadine side effects may include agitation or diarrhea.
#3 – Corticosteroids:
The Corticosteroids Prednisone, Prednisolone, and Dexamethazone must only be given as dog medicines occasionally in measured doses, OR reserved for dogs in the twilight of their lives. Dexamethazone, in the form of Azium or Vorem has the same harmful side effects as prednisone. It should only be given when all other medications have failed.
A Natural Dog Medicine instead of Predisone,Prednisolone, or Dexamethazone  Â
Alternative Pet Medicine
I would like to suggest you consider treating your dog for any autoimmune disease, kidney disorder, or inflammatory disease, (what predisone is prescribed for) with alternative pet medicines that consist of all natural ingredients.
Since Prednisone and Dexamethazone is used on dogs for excessive itching, I would like to suggest trying this natural Skin and Coat Tonic. It will treat dry scaly skin and eczema, relieve itching, accelerate healing of skin lesions and fungal infections. Plus improve liver, kidney and thyroid functioning as well as overall health.
Since it’s proven that using Predisone, Dexamethazone and Predisolone’s side effects in dogs will lower your dog’s immunity and effect the health of their liver, I would like to suggest trying this great Immunity and Liver Support. It will boost your dog’s immune functioning to resist diseases and infections. Plus it improves your dog’s liver. A sluggish or diseased liver will decrease immunity and digestive systems, plus increase skin problems, obesity, fatigue, respiratory problems and allergies!
Predisone, Prednisolone, and Dexamethazone have been used for inflammatory diseases, like arthritis. If your dog has an inflammatory disease, I would like to suggest reading myDog Arthritis Page.
Opiates, Opioids are the most powerful dog medicines for pain-relief. However, Opiate side effects are the fact that they’re highly addictive, and with time, Opiate doses have to be increased to obtain comparable pain relief. None of the controlled opioid class of drugs with the exception of Fentanyl has FDA approval for a dog medicine.
Other Government Regulated OpiateÂ
‘Type’ Narcotics Used As Dog Medicines:
Zima & her beautiful golden eyes. Healthy 11 yr. old who had her first litter (and only!) at 8!
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