Thursday, September 26, 2013

New aspirin risks exposed, time for Moxxor!

By Celeste Yarnall, Ph.D

The Art of Wellness Collection presents MOXXOR! The all natural, 100% sustainable, cold extracted, pure and potent, organic anti-inflammatory/antioxidant nutraceutical supplement, from the pristine waters of New Zealand!


For years, aspirin was the “wonder drug” that could ease pain, prevent heart attacks and keep flowers fresh with little to no risk.  BUT NO MORE!

Now, the more we learn about the drug, the more clear it becomes that we should save it for those freshly cut flowers and add it to their water – because those risks aren’t so little after all. They’re very real and very dangerous, and a new study confirms the drug can actually hurt as many people as it helps. 
It has been reported that Italian researchers compared data on roughly 186,000 non-diabetics over the age of 30 who were taking daily low-dose aspirin to 186,000 non-diabetics who didn’t get the drug.

Over six years, there were close to 7,000 hospitalizations due to bleeding — including nearly 4,500 cases of stomach bleeding and nearly 2,500 brain hemorrhages.

And as you can probably guess, those who took aspirin were far more likely to be among them. The study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that patients given “aspirin therapy” had a 55 percent higher risk of stomach bleeds and 54 percent higher risk of brain bleeds than those who weren’t taking the drug.

Overall, the researchers say the drug caused two serious bleeding problems for every 1,000 patients and prevented two heart events for every 1,000 patients.

That seems like a pretty miserable track record to me.

A drug should help more people than it hurts but does such a thing even exist in the world of Big Pharma corruption and cooked results from tests. The benefit should always be real and clear, while the risks should be low to nonexistent. Aspirin, on the other hand, has minimal to nonexistent benefits — especially when given to healthy people — and some very real risks. We have natural anti-inflammatory supplements for safe daily usage!

Along with the usual bleeding risk, aspirin has been linked to hearing loss, vision problems, allergic reactions and even erectile dysfunction, how fun is that? Our natural product alternatives don’t do any of that on the contrary the reports of benefits in these area’s are astounding!

Please try healthy nutrients with proven benefits instead. For example the Omega-3 natural anti-inflammatory/antioxidant supplement product I distribute and recommend for both my human and pet clients is MOXXOR  and THERE IS NO COMPARISON TO old fashioned FISH OIL! See my blog

Moxxor is a natural anti-inflammatory and is even safe to take (always check with your doctor) with blood thinners as it does not thin the blood. WE WANT HEALTHY BLOOD NOT abnormally THIN BLOOD!.

Magnesium is also a must to include as it is not only needed to help keep the heart beating, but one recent study found it can cut your risk of death by heart disease in half. I HAVE FOUND A MAGNESIUM OIL THAT BLOWS AWAY ORAL MAGNESIUM AND ITS UNCOMFORTABLE STOOL SOFTENING SIDE EFFECTS! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND these  products. CHECK MY LINK FOR THE MAGNESIUM TOPICAL PRODUCTS HERE:

And for Moxxor please go to

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