Just wondering if I could give the medicine naproxen or ibuprofen or anything else. Never give any human resource for a dog without a good veterinarian. No! None naproxen and ibuprofen does not – both are very toxic to dogs. I do not want paracetamol. You should never give any human medication without consulting a dog to the vet. Even when a drug can be used in humans and dogs, the dose and schedule of administration is generally very different for dogs than for humans. They are not designed for dogs specific NSAIDs (Rimadyl, Etogesic, Metacam, Deramaxx, etc) and are prescribed by your veterinarian. Edited for typographical errors. Both are deadly to dogs. Contact your veterinarian for advice on medicines. We are not vets here. good way to kill your dog if an overdose veterinary reports that yes, http://www.1800petmeds.com/Vetrin+Aspirin-prod2594.html not otherwise buffered aspirin medicate Just search online and find a decent article, which contains information on the dosage. Fat Chance, a veterinarian will say “it” drug to use, you must pay for a meeting, tests, x-ray, and then the puppy will be prescribed pet medicine. (You must pay for them too).) / Try not to hate the vets, but remember, they’re just running a business, I believe that most human drugs can cause internal bleeding. Ask your veterinarian about medications they are not so expensive ABSOLUTELY NOT! The only humane treatment that you use is fish oil, glucosamine, etc., but the pain that it is dangerous for dogs. If you feel that she needs pain, you take her to a vet and have him prescribe something to help her. Do not give your dog medicine of any kind until you consult with your veterinarian. You can give the dog a baby aspirin. the chewable kind. If the dog is a little give. when the dog is more 2 do not exceed three. my dog chipped his two front airbags open on the amount of tin that were really deep cuts. he could not go yet. I gave him two chewable tablets and he was good. we have given to our laboratory, Airedale, Boxer dog cocker spaniel bull broken and our hearts are like a dog can give u 3 and a half. but no more. its not going to hurt ur animal.the arthritis hurt more. I spoke to him had to be split in 2 years due to the poor people who had been in pain 24 / 7. Uu Trust me if you can not call ur vet and see what they say. Yes, you can give aspirin to your dog. But do not go to work as an order NSAID.not even close. Rimadyl is available in generic form now (carprofen), and convenient. Another option is the Adequan injections. All other OTC products (glucosamine, fish oil) may slow the progression, but does not address the problem (and pain). You have to see the vet and get a prescription of NSAIDs for your dog to get relief. Do not give your pet any type of aspirin as it can kill the dog. Call your vet and let me tell you what is sure to give your dog. I have my GSD on glucosamine, which is OTC. we have given to our laboratory, Airedale, Boxer dog cocker spaniel bull broken and our hearts are like a dog can give u 3 and a half. but no more. its not going to hurt ur animal.the arthritis hurt more. I spoke to him had to be split in 2 years due to the poor people who had been in pain 24 / 7. Uu Trust me if you can not call ur vet and see what they say. Yes, you can give aspirin to your dog. But do not go to work as an order NSAID.not even close. Rimadyl is available in generic form now (carprofen), and convenient. Another option is the Adequan injections. All other OTC products (glucosamine, fish oil) may slow the progression, but does not address the problem (and pain). You have to see the vet and get a prescription of NSAIDs for your dog to get relief. Do not give your pet any type of aspirin as it can kill the dog. Call your vet and let me tell you what is sure to give your dog. I have my GSD on glucosamine, which is OTC.
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